Interview with Everette and Michelle Bowers, Authors of To Own a Slave or to Be a Slave

Reading and Writing Addiction was able to catch up with Everette and Michelle Bowers, Authors of To Own a Slave or to Be a Slave for an interview. We are excited to share this interesting interview today with our readers.

RAWA: When did you first discover that you were a writer?
Authors Everette and Michelle Bowers

Michelle: When I finished my course work for my Masters Degree, and I had to complete a synthesis paper. It was the longest work I had ever done, and it was published at my campus. I figured if I could finish that project, I could write anything. 

Everette:  When I had to complete a variety of papers in college, and I begin to enjoy the journey of a finished piece of work.

RAWA: What is your favorite part of writing?

Michelle: I love the way a topic is developed into a polished piece of literary work. 

Everette: I like how the content flows from paragraph to paragraph, and I enjoy doing all the research that has to be done in order for the content to be valid. 

RAWA: What do you think is the most challenging aspect of writing? 

Michelle: I typically want the message to be short and sweet, and not long and laborious. Therefore, my challenge is to make sure I do not sacrifice content for my desired length. However, usually Everette will help me with this. 

Everette: The challenge for me, it is to keep up with all the ideas that come to my mind as I write.  

RAWA:  Tell us about your latest release.
Everette: It is a book about making real changes in our neighborhoods, and how we need a super hero to take a stand and fight for our neighborhoods. 

RAWA: How did you come up with the title of your book?

Everette: It is a book about making real changes in our neighborhoods, and how we need a super hero to take a stand and fight for our neighborhoods. 

RAWA: Who are some of your favorite authors?

Everette: My favorite author is God, who is the author of the Holy Bible. I really enjoy reading and studying the scriptures, because the bible is so mysterious and I love mysteries.

Michelle: I enjoy reading biographies. I love learning about the lives of others, and how they have overcome obstacles. However, I do not really have a favorite author in particular. 

RAWA: What do you think has influenced your writing style the most?

Everette: Actually, the way the world is continuing to deteriorate at all time high. This gives us lots of information to research and address in our writings. 

Michelle: I think my desire to help people is the greatest influence on my writing. As we see more deterioration in our neighborhoods, we want to help people by inciting actions through our writings.

RAWA: As a writer what is the accomplishment that you are most proud of:

Everette: The opportunity to work as a writing team with my wife. 

Michelle: Being able to take an idea, take it through the writing process, and see it as a finished work. That makes me proud!

RAWA: How did you get published?

Everette: By hard work and never letting anyone discourage me.  

RAWA: Do you have any advice for writers looking to get published?

Everette: When barriers arise, you have to plow through them and keep moving forward.

Michelle: Never give up on your dream of being published! Keep writing until your ideas develop into something that you can be proud of!

To Own a Slave or to Be a Slave by Everette and Michelle Bowers is available at
