Reading and Writing Addiction was able to catch up with Author Jennelle L. White. We are excited to share this insightful interview today with our readers.
When did you first discover that you enjoy writing and wanted to become a published author?
I've always enjoyed reading books and poetry, the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. Actually, it just sort of happened. It started out in Junior High School when my teacher had my class to create a poetry book listing some of our most favorite children's poems or other types of poetry and we had to make up two poems of our own to include in our poetry book class project. Later on in life, after I wrote my first two books, is when I decided I wanted to become a published author.
What is your favorite and the most challenging aspect of writing?
My favorite is writing poems. The most challenging aspect of writing is getting your work out there,
promoting my books.
Tell us about your latest release. How did you come up with the title of your book?
I have two published books. They are listed below with a brief description of each book. EASIEST SHORT/LONG TERM PLAN FOR SAVING MONEY - It's been said to pay yourself first, to save at least 10% of your earnings, buy why stop at 10%? Why not 20%, etc? The problem is that most people may not be able to set aside 10% of their earnings, let alone 20% -30%. My plan begins with 2 steps and teaches you how to save money more easily and better. My plan makes it more affordable for everyone to be able to save money regardless of your job, occupation, debts, location, etc. My savings plan is unique - as it's the only plan out there of its kind, that you can visually see what you'll save before it happens; easy to understand - as uses basic math & you don't have to be a financial guru or investor to use this plan; & is Universal - benefits everyone, as those who work a 9 - 5 job, saving money for retirement or a vacation. The possibilities
are endless using this plan!!
GROWING UP, POETRY - When you're young the world seems new. Growing Up, Poetry is about a collection of poems that captures that Spirit of Youth. It brings back the emotions & memories that one experiences for all ages at the arrival of Spring or when school is out. These are poems that everyone can enjoy for years to come. For ages 2 - 7 years old, although adults love the book also. One can experience the joys of childhood with whimsical pictures and poems! My book gives everyone a sense of peace & happiness. It inspires kids to care about saving the environment & savor the innocence of youth. There are poems about a puppy, a kitten, stars, the seasons, saving the environment, & many more.
How I came up with the title of my books?
I came up with the title of my money savings plan book because it is the Easiest Short/Long Term Plan For Saving Money & is why this is the name/title of my book. I came up with the title of my children's book, Growing Up, Poetry, because when I was little I spent time reading poems & nursery rhymes growing up & I like, at times, that my life can be looked at as a poem, thus, Growing Up, Poetry.
What do you hope readers are able to get from reading your story?
From Easiest Short/Long Term Plan For Saving Money - this book will change how the world saves money. I feel that my book will help the readers to come up with a safe, secure, money savings plan that will work for them regardless of any debts or bills they may have. The plan is simple, easy to understand, and involves ONLY 2 STEPS!!. From Blue Ink Review - " it's the most TRUTHFUL TITLE OUT THERE in regards to finance and saving money." People who start out young using this plan can possibly retire at an early age. The possibilities are endless using this plan for everyone!!!
From Growing Up, Poetry - it is my wish for readers to get a sense of peace & happiness when they read my book. Also, to go back to a simpler time in life where simple things can mean so much for one's spirit. Poetry is a form of Art put into language that expresses one's feelings, emotions, & ideals in a style of Rhythm, Rhymes, or Verses. Poetry can help children - they can develop a love of language & reading, helps them with social & emotional development, and can spark a child's creativity, imaginations, & sense of humor. It is fun for kids to read or be read to by their parents and look at the pictures that relate to the poems OR children can use their imagination and draw a picture of what the poem is saying or what it means to them & can decide which colors they want to use to color the picture they made. Children have turned to reading poetry when they feel anxious or stressed out, thus helping them with coping skills.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Jim Henson, Author of The Archies & Super Hero such as Superman, Spider-Man, & Batman, etc,
Rhonda Byrne, JK Rowling, Jannelle Taylor, RL Stein, & Norman Vincent Peele. There are others, as well.
Do you have any advice for writers looking to get published?
One suggestion I can give to writers is to write from your heart, what you are passionate about.
Also, if you want to become a Self-Published Author look for companies that offer package deals, not where services are itemized as the cost of this venue can be very expensive.
Jennelle L. White is a Registered Nurse, Medical Assistant and a Poet. The author has diplomas from Correspondence Schools in Wildlife & Forestry Conservation, Parapsychology, & Animal Care Specialist. White was nominated and listed in the books for Who's Who in American Nursing in 1990 - 1991 and 1993 - 1994. The author has written two books that have won awards. “Easiest Short /Long Term Plan for Saving Money” was given a 5-STAR RATING and is the 2011 Finalist Winner from “Growing Up, Poetry” received a 4-STAR RATING from Readers and received honorable mention from the Green Book Festival Contest.
When did you first discover that you enjoy writing and wanted to become a published author?
I've always enjoyed reading books and poetry, the Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes. Actually, it just sort of happened. It started out in Junior High School when my teacher had my class to create a poetry book listing some of our most favorite children's poems or other types of poetry and we had to make up two poems of our own to include in our poetry book class project. Later on in life, after I wrote my first two books, is when I decided I wanted to become a published author.
What is your favorite and the most challenging aspect of writing?
My favorite is writing poems. The most challenging aspect of writing is getting your work out there,
promoting my books.
Tell us about your latest release. How did you come up with the title of your book?

are endless using this plan!!

How I came up with the title of my books?
I came up with the title of my money savings plan book because it is the Easiest Short/Long Term Plan For Saving Money & is why this is the name/title of my book. I came up with the title of my children's book, Growing Up, Poetry, because when I was little I spent time reading poems & nursery rhymes growing up & I like, at times, that my life can be looked at as a poem, thus, Growing Up, Poetry.
What do you hope readers are able to get from reading your story?
From Easiest Short/Long Term Plan For Saving Money - this book will change how the world saves money. I feel that my book will help the readers to come up with a safe, secure, money savings plan that will work for them regardless of any debts or bills they may have. The plan is simple, easy to understand, and involves ONLY 2 STEPS!!. From Blue Ink Review - " it's the most TRUTHFUL TITLE OUT THERE in regards to finance and saving money." People who start out young using this plan can possibly retire at an early age. The possibilities are endless using this plan for everyone!!!
From Growing Up, Poetry - it is my wish for readers to get a sense of peace & happiness when they read my book. Also, to go back to a simpler time in life where simple things can mean so much for one's spirit. Poetry is a form of Art put into language that expresses one's feelings, emotions, & ideals in a style of Rhythm, Rhymes, or Verses. Poetry can help children - they can develop a love of language & reading, helps them with social & emotional development, and can spark a child's creativity, imaginations, & sense of humor. It is fun for kids to read or be read to by their parents and look at the pictures that relate to the poems OR children can use their imagination and draw a picture of what the poem is saying or what it means to them & can decide which colors they want to use to color the picture they made. Children have turned to reading poetry when they feel anxious or stressed out, thus helping them with coping skills.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Jim Henson, Author of The Archies & Super Hero such as Superman, Spider-Man, & Batman, etc,
Rhonda Byrne, JK Rowling, Jannelle Taylor, RL Stein, & Norman Vincent Peele. There are others, as well.
Do you have any advice for writers looking to get published?
One suggestion I can give to writers is to write from your heart, what you are passionate about.
Also, if you want to become a Self-Published Author look for companies that offer package deals, not where services are itemized as the cost of this venue can be very expensive.
Jennelle L. White is a Registered Nurse, Medical Assistant and a Poet. The author has diplomas from Correspondence Schools in Wildlife & Forestry Conservation, Parapsychology, & Animal Care Specialist. White was nominated and listed in the books for Who's Who in American Nursing in 1990 - 1991 and 1993 - 1994. The author has written two books that have won awards. “Easiest Short /Long Term Plan for Saving Money” was given a 5-STAR RATING and is the 2011 Finalist Winner from “Growing Up, Poetry” received a 4-STAR RATING from Readers and received honorable mention from the Green Book Festival Contest.
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